
Link to Google Citations Profile

Townsend ES, Smith KS (2025). Behavioral microanalyses refine sign-tracking characterization and uncover different response dynamics during omission and extinction learning. Learning and Memory, 32:a054065. [PDF]

Crego ACG, Amaya AK, Palmer JA, Smith KS (2024).  A role for the dorsolateral striatum in prospective action control.  iScience, 27(6):110044. [PDF]

Amaya KA, Smith KS (2024).  Alternative approaches to understanding habit learning in the dorsolateral striatum.  In: Vandaele Y (Ed.), Habits – Their Definition, Neurobiology and Role in Addiction, Springer Nature Press.  [pdf]

Bien EA, Smith KS (2023).  The role of sex on sign-tracking acquisition and outcome devaluation sensitivity in Long Evans rats.  Behavioural Brain Research, 455:114656. [PDF]

Townsend ES, Smedley EB, Amaya KA, Smith KS (2023).  Nucleus accumbens core acetylcholine receptors modulate the balance of flexible and inflexible cue-directed motivation.  Scientific Reports, 13, 13375. [PDF]

Doucette WT, Smedley EB, Ruiz-Jaquez M, Khokhar J, Smith KS (2022). Chronic chemogenetic manipulation of ventral pallidum targeted neurons in male rats fed an obesogenic diet.  Brain Research, 1784:147886.  [PDF]

Amaya KA, Smith KS (2021).  Spatially restricted inhibition of cholinergic interneurons in the dosrolateral striatum promotes behavioral exploration. European Journal of Neuroscience, 53(8):2567-2579[PDF]

Amaya KA*, Stott JJ*, Smith KS (2020).  Sign-tracking behavior is sensitive to outcome devaluation in a devaluation context-dependent manner:  Implications for analyzing habitual behavior.  Learning and Memory.   (*equal contribution) [PDF]

Crego ACG, Štoček F, Marchuk AG, JCarmichael JE, van der Meer MAA, Smith KS (2020).  Complementary control over habits and behavioral vigor by phasic activity in the dorsolateral striatum.  The Journal of Neuroscience.  [PDF]

Smedley EB, DiLeo A, Smith KS (2019). Circuit directionality for motivation: lateral accumbens-pallidum, but not pallidum-accumbens, connections regulate motivational attraction to reward cues.  Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 162:23-35.  |PDF|

Smedley EB, Smith KS (2018). Evidence for a shared representation of sequential cues that engage sign-tracking.  Behavioural Processes.   |PDF|

Chang SE, Smith KS (2018). Context-driven salt seeking test (rats).  Bio-protocol, 8(7):e2456.  |link|

Chang SE, Todd TP, Smith KS (2018). Paradoxical accentuation of motivation following accumbens-pallidum disconnection. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 149:39-45. |link|

Amaya KA, Smith KS (2018). Neurobiology of habit formation.  Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20:145-152. |PDF|

Smedley EB, Smith KS (2018). Evidence of structure and persistence in motivational attraction to serial Pavlovian cues. Learning and Memory, 25:78-89. |PDF|

Chang SE, Smedley E, Stansfield K, Stott J, Smith KS (2017).  Optogenetic inhibition of ventral pallidum neurons impairs context-driven salt-seeking.  Journal of Neuroscience, 37(23):5670-5680.|PDF|

Butler WN, Smith KS, van der Meer MAA, Taube JS (2017). The head direction signal plays a functional role as a neural compass during navigation. Current Biology, 27, 1259–1267.  |PDF|

Crego ACG, Chang SE, Butler WN, Smith KS (2017). Optogenetics research in behavioral neuroscience:  Insights into the brain basis of reward learning and goal-directed behavior.  In: Appasani (Ed.), Optogenetics:  From neuronal function to mapping and disease biology.  Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

Smith KS, Graybiel AM (2016).  Habit formation.  Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 18(1):33-43.  |PDF|

Smith KS, Graybiel AM (2016).  Habit formation coincides with shifts in reinforcement representations in the sensorimotor striatum.  Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(3):1487-98|PDF|

Smith KS, Bucci DJ, Luikart BW, Mahler SV (2016).  DREADDs:  Use and Application in Behavioral Neuroscience.  Behavioral Neuroscience, 130(2):137-155.  |PDF|

Chang SE, Smith KS (2016).  An omission procedure reorganizes the microstructure of sign-tracking while preserving incentive salience.  Learning and Memory, 23: 151155.  |PDF|

Chang SE, Todd TE, Bucci DJ, Smith KS (2015).  Chemogenetic manipulation of ventral pallidal neurons impairs acquisition of sign-tracking in rats.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 42(12):3105-3116.  |PDF|

Graybiel AM, Smith KS (2014).  How the brain makes and breaks habits.  Scientific American, June issue.  (Cover article).  Link to site.

Link to accompanying essay about research done by Eric Burguiere:  “Can Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder be Blocked in the Brain?”

Smith KS, Graybiel AM (2014).  Investigating habits: strategies, technologies, and models.  Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:39.  Link to article online.

Smith KS, Graybiel AM (2013).  A dual operator view of habitual behavior reflecting cortical and striatal activity dynamics.  Neuron, 79(2):361-74.  |PDFLink to video abstract highlight.

Smith KS, Graybiel AM (2013).  Using optogenetics to study habits.  Brain Research, 1511:102-14 (special issue on Optogenetics and Pharmacogenetics in Neuronal Function and Dysfunction). |PDF|

Smith KS, Virkud A, Deisseroth K, Graybiel AM (2012).  Reversible on-line control of habitual behavior by optogenetic perturbation of medial prefrontal cortex.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(46):18932-7.  |PDF|

Smith KS, Berridge KC, Aldridge JW (2011).  Disentangling pleasure from incentive salience and learning signals in brain reward circuitry.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(27):E255-64. |PDF|.

Smith KS (2011).  Neuronal correlates of normal and drug-potentiated Pavlovian-instrumental transfer. Feature commentary on Saddoris et al.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 33(12):2272-3.  |PDF|. Link to target article.

Peciña S*, Smith KS* (2010).  Hedonic and motivational roles of opioids in food reward: implications for overeating disorders.  Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 97(1):34-46*authors contributed equally.  |PDF|

Smith KS, Tindell AJ, Aldridge JW, Berridge KC (2009).  Ventral pallidum roles in reward and motivation.  Behavioural Brain Research, 96(2):155-67.  |PDF|

Smith KS, Mahler SV, Peciña S, Berridge KC (2009).  Hedonic hotspots: brain generation of sensory pleasures.  In:  Berridge KS and Kringelbach ML (Eds.), Pleasures of the Brain.  Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.  |PDF|

Tindell AJ, Smith KS, Berridge KC, Aldridge JW (2009).  Dynamic computation of incentive salience:  ‘wanting’ what was never ‘liked’.  The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(39):12220-8.  |PDF|  Link to Editorial highlight.

Pennartz CMA, Berke JD, Graybiel AM, Ito R, Lansink CS, van der Meer M, Redish AD, Smith KS, Voorn P (2009).  Corticostriatal interactions during learning and memory processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(41):12831-8.  |PDF|

Zhang J, Berridge KC, Tindell AJ, Smith KS, Aldridge JW (2009).  A neural computational model of incentive salience.  PLoS Computational Biology, 5(7):e1000437.  |PDF|

Smith KS and Berridge KC (2007).  Opioid limbic circuit for reward: interaction between hedonic hotspots of nucleus accumbens and ventral pallidum.  The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(7):1594-1605.  |PDF|  Link to editorial highlight.

Mahler SV, Smith KS, Berridge KC (2007).  Endocannabinoids modulate taste ‘liking’ in the nucleus accumbens.  Neuropsychopharmacology, 32(11):2267-78.  |PDF|

Tindell AJ, Smith KS, Peciña S, Berridge KC, Aldridge JW (2006).  Ventral pallidum firing codes hedonic reward:  when a bad taste turns good.  Journal of Neurophysiology, 96:2399-2409.  |PDF|  Link to feature Commentary by Wheeler RA & Carelli RM.

Peciña S, Smith KS, Berridge KC (2006).  Hedonic hotspots in the brain.  The Neuroscientist, 12(6):500-11.  |PDF|

Smith KS and Berridge KC (2005).  The ventral pallidum and hedonic reward:  neurochemical maps of ‘liking’ and food intake.  The Journal of Neuroscience, 25(38):8637-49.  |PDF|

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